Jan. Countdown to Kindergarten! 

January: Academic Skill- Common Shapes
When entering kindergarten, children need to be able to recognize and draw common shapes such as a square, triangle, circle, rectangle, and more. Children also need to recognize patterns and this is a great time to practice this skill. Create a pattern- circle, square, circle, square and ask your child which shape comes next. Cut out paper shapes of varied sizes and have your child group all the circles, or all the triangles together. Some toys like magnetic building blocks can be used to sort by shapes too.  

Gross motor skill: Getting Dressed! Children should be able to dress themselves in pants, shorts or skirt, a t-shirt, jacket or coat, socks and shoes. The child should be able to put on and zip up a coat or jacket. Using a zipper requires lots of practice, keep trying! Tying or buckling shoes is an advanced skill and is not required at this age. Just getting the shoe on their foot is meeting the skill. 

Fine motor skill: Drawing shapes with pencils or crayons. You can let kids trace shapes to begin but the goal is for them to draw a recognizable shape on their own. Circles, squares, triangles, etc.

Child's First Name *
My child is in (select all that apply) *
How many days did your child practice any of the skills this month? (You do not have to practice every skill, every day.) *
Did you use any of the healthy tips from the CATCH January Newsletter? *
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