Rubin In-Kind Quarterly Update
Contribution Leads will use this form to provide the quarterly update on your contribution. Note that to keep the process streamlined, we are expecting that this report focusses on any issues arising from the previous quarters work, otherwise assumes activities described in the previous quarter were carried out as planned. Please refer to the specific instructions for different contribution types in the Manual for In-Kind Contributions (

If your contribution (denoted by the contribution ID) includes more than one element or more than one contributor, please describe each in this form but do not submit multiple forms for a single contribution ID. In the case of FTE, the effort of different contributors should be summarised, describing the elements each person is working on. In the case of multiple resources e.g., datasets, processing, storage etc., the work plan similarly should summarise each element of the contribution.

The primary audience for the report are your Recipient group(s) and the contribution IPCs. The Program Manager and IPCs may also view this report. The Primary recipient group will accept and provide feedback, if any, on the update.

You are welcome to make any confidential comments to your contribution IPC by email, if needed.

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Email *
Submitted by name *
Please add the name (Last Name, First Name)  of the main person who wrote and submitted this form. Other contributors can be added later.
Quarter *
As given in S2.4.4, the quarters are Q1: work done October-December, plan of work January-March; Q2: work done January-March, plan of work April-June; Q3: work done April-June, plan of work July-September. The Q4 reporting will be part of another form as this is when we will carry out the Annual Evaluation. FY - financial years, run Oct - Sept so FY22 is Oct 2021 - Sep 2022  The reports should be submitted in the first or second week of the month listed following "report:" below.
Contribution ID *
The contribution ID is a unique identifier for your contribution of the form XXX-YYY-SN where N is a running number for each  contribution in a program. If you are unsure of your contribution ID, please email
Names of all contributing to this update
Please list names of all those who contributed to this update from the contribution team.
Summary of the previous quarter *
Please briefly list any successes including completed work and/or milestones achieved in the past quarter of work. Please also list any issues or incomplete work including those to be carried over to the next quarter. For example, "Activity X, Y, Z, all successfully completed. Deliverable A, B & C could not be completed because of ....  and will be focussed on next quarter, or will be refined to ....".  This response can be in the form of a list. Any items listed in the previous quarter of work will be assumed to have been carried out as planned.
Summarise interactions with the recipient groups in the last quarter *
Please briefly list or summarise main interactions e.g. attendance of regular meetings, engagement with wider SC or Rubin recipient teams, community coordination groups etc. If there are multiple contributors to this contribution, please include interactions for the whole named team here.
Plan of work for the next quarter *
Please itemise the main tasks to be carried out by the contributors in the next quarter. Note any differences from the list of deliverables you outlined in the Work plan Summary. If there are multiple contributors to this contribution, please summarise the plan of work for each contributor below.
Any other comments?
If there are any issues you would like to raise or help requests, please add them here. Any confidential comments should be sent by email to the contribution IPC.
Date *
Date of submission of this Quarterly Update
Quarterly update status *
This question reflects the status of the update i.e., if it is still in the edit mode or ready for submission and review. In the former case, please make sure that you save the link in the confirmation email so you can return to complete your update.  When the update is ready for submission, we will then send this to your recipients for comment. Once you select Ready for review, you also agree not to make further edits to the update. If the recipient review requests further edits, please you may make these changes once these have been relayed to you by the IPC team.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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