GIIA Forum Closing Apéro
The GIIA Forum brings students together with academic, private, public, and IO sector professionals, to explore diverse topics within impact investing and sustainable finance. It enables networking, promotes education, and stimulates insightful discussion to enable the growth of youth in the sustainable finance and impact investing industry. 

This is the closing event of the GIIA Spring Forum 2024! The apéro will give you the opportunity to network, meet industry professionals and academics, and reflect upon the themes of the GIIA forum of 2024. We really look forward to celebrating the forum with you. 

Date: Friday 19th April

Time: 17:30-19:00

Location: The Fab, Petal 2, Maison de la Paix

Please complete the registration form below if you would like to attend. You will receive a confirmation email soon after registering with a calendar invite.

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