Winter After School Activities 2022-Sign up
Locke Middle School is now registering for After-School Activities.

Our Winter Session will begin the week of Monday, January 31st and will run through the week of March 21st.  All sessions will run from 1:45 – 2:45 p.m. unless otherwise indicated. We also have late buses for all activity days which will pick up at 3:10.

The fee for the Winter session is $20.00. Families with more than one child in the building will pay just one fee. If you choose two activities, there is only one $20 fee. You may choose two activities that meet on different days.

If you would like your child to participate:
Please complete the google form to ensure your student's enrollment in the activity.
in addition, please complete the Winter 2022 After-School Activity Registration Form that was sent home with your child and submit it with payment and signature to the office by Wednesday, January 26th. All checks can be made out to "Locke Middle School".

All sessions have limited enrollment and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis according to the timestamp on this form.

There must be at least 10 students signed up to have a specific activity.

If you have questions, please contact Mr. Garas via e-mail. 

Iniciar sesión en Google para guardar lo que llevas hecho. Más información
Parent Email *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Grade *
Student Homeroom *
Please choose the name of your first choice activity. You can sign up for more than one if they meet on different days. *
Please choose the name of your 2nd choice activity. If you don't have a second choice, put none. *
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