Godsend Garage Assistance Request
  • This form is to request automotive services from Godsend Garage, a ministry of Crossroads Community Church.
  • We are only able to service guests in the Kokomo vicinity.
  • Only 1 vehicle is allowed per application.
Email *
What is your full name? *
What is your address, including city and zip code? *
What is your phone number, including the area code? *
Are you a widow or single mother? *
What are the names and ages of the people in your household, including yourself? *
What is the year, make, and model of your vehicle?
(example: 2013 Ford Explorer)
Describe the problem with your vehicle. *
What happened to you that put you in a position to request help?
Please list the sources and amounts of your household income. *
How did you hear about Godsend Garage? *
How else can we pray for you? *
If accepted, I will be put on a waiting list.
If accepted, it is my responsibility to pay for any and all parts used in the repair. (Labor is free).
Due to the volume of applications and garage capacity, the following conditions apply: 
 - I am not guaranteed to receive service.
 - I release Godsend Garage from any liability.
 - I understand my application will remain on file for 1 year.
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