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One-on-One Consultations & Sessions with Megan Devine
Please complete all sections of the form below (mark N/A if the question doesn't apply to you). All information will be kept private and confidential.
Someone from Megan's team will be in touch if she can meet your needs.
Consultations and sessions are remote only (no in person sessions). Session rates are currently $550/hour. Long term projects and collaborations have custom rates; please describe your project below.
Please double check that your email address is correct before submitting. Thank you!
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Which of the follow best describes your needs?
I'm grieving and would like to schedule a one-time consultation with Megan.
I'm a clinician/coach and would like to schedule a consultation with Megan.
I'm grieving and would like more information about ongoing sessions with Megan.
Briefly describe your loss:
Your answer
What are you seeking to gain from a one-time consultation and/or ongoing sessions?
Your answer
Briefly describe any existing support you're receiving (support groups, therapist, medical doctor, etc).
Your answer
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