Power 4 Southern People NOT Southern Company Campaign Volunteer Form
We thank you for your desire to join our dedicated team of volunteers! Sometimes you can't show up in person but you CAN support in other ways.  The campaign could not do what we do without your support and dedication to leveraging the voices of ratepayers across Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia to build enough power in Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia to interrupt Southern Company’s current way of doing business by changing public narrative through action and storytelling. Please fill out the form below to sign up!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Cell Number *
Email *
City *
State *
Zip *
Preferred method of contact? *
Have you volunteered or participated in an Arm in Arm action or training previously? *
If so, please share which action or training and how you participated:
What volunteer opportunities sound the most exciting to you? (choose more than) *
If other, please tell us what other special skills and/or services you would like to share with the campaign:
Additional questions or comments:
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