BTU Silent Representative Sign Up
In an effort to create a more transparent and inclusive negotiating process, we are asking that BTU members participate in the upcoming negotiations as "silent representatives." We are looking for a diverse, representative group (race/ethnicity, age, job role, union involvement, years of service, etc.) that is willing to commit to attending negotiating sessions to silently observe, attend caucus meetings as needed and help to create summary reports to keep all of our members informed about the process and developments. This is an exciting opportunity to learn more about the way the contract is negotiated.  Please complete this and share it with other members you think might be interested.

Once you sign up to be a silent representative, you will be added to the listserv. Once you are added, you can confirm attendance at the upcoming sessions. When you attend, you will be oriented to norms of bargaining. Silent representatives hold important roles of taking notes, writing summaries, finding important quotes during sessions, and reporting back to your colleagues; you will have a chance to take on these roles.  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Non BPS (personal) E-mail *
Cell number *
What is your BPS ID #? *
School/Program *
In an attempt to build a diverse group please identify your role (please check all that apply): *
In an attempt to build a diverse group please identify the grade level(s) you serve (please check all that apply): *
In an attempt to build a diverse group please identify your race/ethnicity (please check all that apply): *
What affiliations, if any do you have? (Please check all that apply):
What roles would you be interested in taking on during negotiation sessions?  (Required) *
What questions, if any, do you have?
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