Volunteers for Oral History Project

My name is Katheryn Lawson, and I'm a PhD Candidate in History at the University of Delaware. My dissertation focuses on human-animal relationships among Black communities in Philadelphia, 1950–1990, in order to understand how animals have been part of Black experiences.

This project will also foreground how African Americans have contributed to and shaped animal welfare, care, and knowledge in the U.S., challenging predominant stereotypes that caring about animals is only the domain of White people and institutions. I am interested in interviewing African Americans involved in any way with animal care: Black pet owners (or parents), veterinarians, animal shelter workers, dog trainers, dog groomers, and members (current or former) of MOVE. (And others I am not thinking of!)

It is important for me to understand and foreground the ways Black individuals, families, and communities (of practice) have understood and characterized their work and lives in relationship to animals. Although my dissertation focuses on Black Philadelphians from 1950–1990, those who have lived, studied, and worked since then and in other locations are welcome to participate—all voices and stories are important to history and to my project.

If you are open to being interviewed, please fill out this form. Ideally, we would interview a total of 2–4 times, with interviews lasting no more than 2 hours.

If you have any questions, please email me at lawsonk@udel.edu.

Check out my websites and work here: https://linktr.ee/KatherynLawson 

Thank you!

Katheryn Lawson 
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