One of the outstanding scientific challenges highlighted by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) is the closure of the Earth’s water cycle (as well as the energy balance and the carbon cycles) through satellite Earth Observation (EO). To this end, a suite of essential climate variables (ECvs) has been defined to understand the evolution of climate and to assess the potential derived risks. In this context, the definition of a new ECV, including the information on anthropogenic water use (AWU) can help in advancing the proper closure of the water cycle at higher spatial and temporal scales. The main data source identified by GCOS for tracking AWU is from FAO’s AQUASTAT. However, AQUASTAT provides survey-based irrigation estimates which do not meet the GCOS requirements, i.e., data are provided on a 5-years interval instead of yearly, and are available every 2-3 years.

The overarching objective of Climate Change Initiative – Anthropogenic Water Use (CCI-AWU) precursor project is to derive long-term (at least over twenty years, since early 2000s) AWU time series for selected regions using several approaches exploiting remote sensing observations, as a proof-of- concept of the feasibility towards a proper AWU ECV product. In particular, in this proposal AWU is more specifically intended as agricultural water allocated for irrigation, which represents the largest anthropogenic water use, thus making irrigation the most impactful human activity on the hydrological cycle.
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Can you indicate the type of your organisation?
Which of the following options describes your position best? 
Which field describes your expertise best?  *
What is the primary scale of your applications?
In your applications you mainly use: 
How much do you think AWU is important for climate studies?
Not important
Very important
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How much do current climate studies consider AWU information?
Not at all
A lot
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When incorporating AWU into your climate studies, which data source do you typically utilise? (multiple choice)
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How much do you think an accurate knowledge of AWU would advance the representation of the below identified  variables in climate studies? 
not relevant
highly relevant
Soil moisture
River discharge
Water vapour
Land surface temperature
Air temperature
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Are there other relevant variables to be considered?
Which fundamental science question could an AWU dataset retrieved from satellites help to solve?
If you would own a dataset of AWU retrieved from satellites which spatial resolution you would like to have?
Please justify your previous answer. *
If you were to access a dataset of AWU retrieved from satellites, what temporal resolution would you prefer?
Please justify your previous answer. *
If you were to access a dataset of AWU retrieved from satellites, what would be the target areas the dataset shall cover? *
Please justify your previous answer. *
If you were to access a dataset of AWU retrieved from satellites, what would be the minimum temporal coverage it shall have to be relevant for climate studies?
Please justify your previous answer. *
If you were to access a dataset of AWU retrieved from satellites, what would be the minimum relative accuracy (with respect to an idealised benchmark) it shall have to be relevant for climate studies?
Please justify your previous answer. *
Rank the following in order of importance for your applications (1=most important, 5=least important)
Temporal resolution
Spatial resolution
Record length
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Could you provide us with a comment on the CCI-AWU project on the basis of its main goals?
Are you interested in receiving updates about the project?
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