Join the Seal Family as the Guardians of Seals           海豹守护者招募令
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Join the Seal Family as the Guardians of Seals
In the past few weeks, Seal Finance gained much attention, and the community grew larger as time went by. As a community driven protocol, we’ve already transferred part of our ownership to multiple community leaders through multisig, but in order to give the Seal community a bigger boost, we would need more help from the community.

- 过去短短数周,Seal Finance 作为新生 DeFi 项目,受到越来越多人关注。 Seal 的发展离不开大家的支持。近日,我们已成功完成多签竞值和移交,需要更多来自社区的支持!为了 Seal 未来的发展,我们邀请你加入海豹守护者联盟,共同致力于让 Seal 捕获更多价值。

If you are a supporter of Seal Finance, and a believer of Seal Protocol, we would like to invite you to join the Guardians of Seals. Together, we shall create more values for seals and eventually make DeFi great, again.

- 如果你认可 Seal 的理念,热爱加密领域,很希望你能申请成为海豹守护者。设立海豹守护者的初衷是帮助 Seal 健康茁壮成长。

[ The responsibility of Seal Guardians ]
[ 海豹守护者的责任 ]

To make the Seal Ecosystem grow stronger and healthier, we hope that Seal Guardians can help with the following tasks:
-设立海豹守护者的初衷是帮助 Seal 健康茁壮成长。希望守护者们可以协助以下工作:

Guide the newcomers and those who required assistance
- 新用户的问题解答和引导
Organize online or offline events
- 协助维护社区、组织活动
Help translate Seal Finance content to different language
- 提供多语种的翻译及内容支持
Provide insights and feedbacks
- 提供更多的市场反馈和建议
Banish those who scam, spam or fud
- 协助管理剔除社区发布或造谣不实言论者

[The benefit of being Seal Guardians]
[ 海豹守护者福利]

Qualified Seal Guardians shall be rewarded with either a bucket of raw fish or some $SEAL from team Seal funds + Seal community donation. (It’s optional, you can choose the one you prefer, or half and half)
-表现优秀的守护者,将获得来自团队资金和社区捐助的 SEAL 激励。

[ The requirements for Seal Guardians ]
[ 海豹守护者申请要求 ]
招募对象 : 全球,不限城市、年龄、性别、职业

About the requirements for Seal Guardians, we hope you are someone who is :
A Seal Finance supporter
- Seal Finance支持者
Believer of DeFi and crypto
- 相信 DeFi 和加密货币
A passionate helper
- 热情的帮手
Not afraid to meet and engage with community members
- 不怕与社区成员见面并互动
Willing to at spend 2-5 hours per day on Seal Community
- 愿意每天在海豹社区参与管理2-5个小时

[How to become Seal Guardians]
[ 报名方式 ]
By completing the form below

Those who have completed the form, Seal admins will contact you directly when you've been selected

What do you prefer to be called? (姓名) *
Telegram handle (电报用户名称) *
A brief introduction about you (行业经历與自我介绍) *
1.How does the fix APY for Seal finance work?                                                                                                          (CN) Seal Finance的固定 APY是如何计算? *
If you unstake liquidity from Seal-Pickle pools, what do we charge for the 5% tax?                                                           (CN) 若退出Seal Finance 的 Pickle 池时,耗损的 5% 提领费是?   *
3. Which following known and beloved community member is not a multisig key holder?                                (CN)下列何者非Seal Finance的多签成员 *
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