Saturday, April 6, 2024 6:00 pm at FPM’s Parish Hall

Thank you for helping FPM's Auction be a success! Please list your donation item or service below. 

Questions?  Please call or email:  Cathy McGonagle 617-833-8908/ Thanks so much!  —The Auction Committee

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We’re looking for donations of items and services for our April 6 auction
fundraiser. Can you offer a homemade dinner or bake a cake? How about a
vacation home? How about Red Sox tix? Can you sing for a dinner party? Do you
make something you could donate—jewelry, quilts, artwork? What item or service could you offer? 
Description of Item/Service (include dates or service and/or write mutually
agreeable time and place):
Estimated value of service:
Suggested Minimum Bid:
Your name and email: *
I'm interested in helping to plan the auction, solicit outside gift certificates, and/or lend a hand for set-up and clean up.
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