FLoC Volunteer application
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How it works
This volunteer programme will allow you to access FLoC in return for your help and time.   See http://wordpress.floc2018.org/calendar/ for an overview of events happening at FLoC.

If we have spare tickets for banquets and workshop dinners we will give these to volunteers on a first-come, first-served basis.  

The volunteer shifts will involve a briefing session in the morning. We will provide more information when you are accepted on the programme, at which point you will be able to specify your time constraints.  We will aim to schedule you for tasks and times accordingly.

If you have any questions, please write help@floc2018.org.
Please DO NOT register for FLoC until you’ve heard back from us.  We will notify you by 1 June, so you will still be able to register for events at Early Registration rate before the 5 June deadline, if need be.
In order to be a volunteer at FLoC, you must have the right to work in the UK[*] and we will need to verify your right to work in advance of your first day (or on the first day).

We are very sorry to restrict the volunteer programme in this way.  The Travel Stipend Programme
(http://www.floc2018.org/volunteer/) is open to people of all
nationalities – we hope this may help offset the cost of attending FLoC.

[*] Right to work would be proven by holding a valid EU, European Economic Area or UK passport or a valid UK visa which permits you to undertake these activities.  Unfortunately we are not able to sponsor a UK work visa application, so you must have your own visa before applying to this programme.  If you have any questions about right to work, please contact FLOCRTW@cs.ox.ac.uk.
Your data
The ONLY purpose for which we will use this data is to select our volunteers and keep in touch with them during FLoC.
I have the right to work in the UK, between 6-25 July 2018. *
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