Application form - ISSP Riga Residency
Name and Surname *
Email *
Telephone number (with country code) *
Date of Birth *
Phone number *
Nationality (Country) *
Country of residence *
When would you like to come to a residency in Riga/Latvia? Please mark all your options. The Residency calendar is planned for full calendar months.  *
Preferred length of residency stay *
Your background - please shortly outline your artistic background and interests. *
Motivation - why would you like to take part in ISSP artist residency *
Project idea - what would you like to work on when in Riga/Latvia? *
Engagement - please indicate if you would be interested in offering a workshop/talk/walk or other form of interactive activity for the local community (photographers/artists, teenagers, other local inhabitants)
Link to your website or portfolio *
Please indicate in case you prefer to stay in the countryside (Laidi Palace Residency, or other options we can suggest) rather than in the city. Short- term visits to countryside are also possible. 
Do you have any health limitations to taking part in the residency?
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