Summer A Cappella Workshop 2024
Our Summer A Cappella Workshop is all about learning to sing unaccompanied and in harmony with a group.

This one week program will provide an opportunity to further vocal music skills while learning more about the contemporary a cappella art form.

A Cappella Workshop will give students the opportunity to work on solo singing, vocal percussion, mic technique, choreography, and improvisation.

Instruction will be provided by Mrs. Morel, Mr. Reilly, and a select group of high school a cappella mentors.

Who: Open to students who have completed grades 6 through 8
Where: GMS Auditorium
When: Aug 12-16; 8:00-11:30 am, with a concert Friday at 11:00 am, at GMS Auditorium

To sign-up, fill out the form below and submit payment.
Enrollment will be made on a first come first serve basis upon receipt of application.

Payment: $150 per student, covers tuition, t-shirt, and any additional materials

Checks made out to "Wakefield Public Schools"

Bring payment to Mr. Reilly at GMS.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name: *
Voice Part *
Choose any and all that apply.
Highest Grade Completed *
T-Shirt Size *
Adult Sizes
Parent Full Name *
Parent Email *
Parent Phone Number *
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