The Signature Coach 1:1 Coaching Application
Welcome to a potential 4 Month 1:1 coaching relationship with me, 👋🏽 KellyAnne.  

You've made it this far which tells me you're a Self Leader, and most likely soul family.

Please complete the application below, and you will hear from myself or a SLG team member within the next 48 hours to discuss next steps.

I look forward to learning about you, your signature program and your business!

XO, KellyAnne
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First & Last Name *
Email Address (By entering your email address you're giving me and/or Team SLG to contact you about this 1:1 coaching opportunity) *
Coaching Business Name *
Coaching Business Website *
Share some information about your coaching business with me. [What inspired you to start your business? Who do you work with? What message are you most passionate in sharing?] *
Do you currently have a signature program? Or are you creating one from scratch? *
Where do you feel like you need the most support in your signature program journey? Check ALL that apply! *
What offers are you currently sharing? *
How much money did you make last year in your coaching business? *
Are you doing daily or weekly Self Leadership work? [ie mindset, regulating emotions/nervous system, reading/listening to books, meditating, journaling, etc) *
What are your 12 month revenue intentions? *
What do you feel needs to happen to reach that intention? *
What are your top priorities during our time together? *
Please share your Human Design profile (if you know it). *
Are you currently working with (or do you plan on working with) another coach or therapist during our time together?  Share as much information as you're comfortable with. *
Is entering a 4 month coaching relationship a full body YES decision for you, or are there hesitations? *
The investment for The Signature Coach 1:1 coaching relationship is $7,777 USD for a 4 month package. I also offer payment options.  If we decide working together is the right fit, are you prepared to make this investment? *
Is there anything else you'd like me to know about you, your business, or your signature coaching program before I reach out? *
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