Favorite Foods Contest
We suggest bringing your own table.
All 4-Hers are eligible to participate. DO NOT need to be enrolled in a Foods Project.
Select and prepare a favorite recipe (doesn’t have to be from 4-H project manual but should relate to what was learned in a project and/or age appropriate, also skill level appropriate.)
Plan a menu which includes the favorite food. (Tell for what kind of meal: Example, family supper, Sunday dinner, children’s party, Thanksgiving dinner, etc.). Write the menu on a 4” x 6” card.
Write recipe on a 4” x 6” card. 4” x 6” cards may be handwritten or typewritten or computer generated, but should reflect the work of the 4-Her
Prepare a centerpiece and place setting for one on a card table. You must supply your own card table. You may use placemats or a tablecloth. You do not have to use your best china. Settings may be plastic, glass, etc. The emphasis is placed on how well it goes together and how appropriate for the occasion of the meal.
Have your display in place 15 minutes prior to the start of the contest, so that judging may begin promptly.
Parents and leaders may assist carrying articles for display, but 4-Hers are to set up display themselves.
The favorite food may be displayed as the whole product or as one serving. A microwave may be available to heat your food depending on location of contest, so plan accordingly.
Contest is divided into Senior, Intermediate, Junior, and Novice Divisions, however this is subject to change based on number of youth entering contest, may be divided into Junior and Senior division.
Each contestant will be interviewed by the judge for about five minutes. Questions will be asked about the favorite food, menu, and centerpiece and place setting.
Ribbon will be dropped one placing if above guidelines are not followed.