Are you in a Book Club? Our Authors want to work with you!
═══ We want to work with Book Clubs ═══

Are you in a book club?

We would love to set up a book club meeting with our readers!

* Skype - Zoom or FB call with our Author's
* Give us 2 dates to work with
* Pick a book to read!
* If you live near one of our authors, we can possibly set up a personal appearance by our author at your book club meeting!
* We will contact and set up the book club date with our client
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Book Club Organizer's Name *
E-mail *
** To make contact to set up
Your Facebook URL *
or the Book Clubs URL
How many book club members do you have? *
How often do you meet? *
Does your book club have a name? *
What City, State do you live in? *
*** This is private information, that will not be shared beyond this point
Please head to our website and let us know which clients you are willing to work with, client tab has all our current clients! *
Additional Comments
Please add my e-mail to your approved list or safe list so it does not go into spam so we can get immediate response back to set this up with you.

Thank you!
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