Online Worship Notes
Fill out a separate form for each service you watch online.
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Your Name *
The date of the service *
What is the day of the church year? (ex: Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost) *
What color are the paraments? (fabric on the altar and pulpit) *
Who gave the sermon today? *
As you look around the church, what caught your attention about the worship space today? *
Which of the readings did you connect with the most? Why? *
What piece of music touched you the most? Why? *
What did the sermon say about how God is at work? *
What did the preacher say today that made an impact on YOU as a child of God? *
What was your favorite part of the service? *
How did receiving the sacrament of Holy Communion make you feel today? (If no communion, write N/A) *
If you were in charge, what would you have changed about today's worship service? *
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