$100K Challenge

May we take just a few moments of your time to share an amazing opportunity?

Hermie Bacus was a multi-million dollar real estate broker in California in 2008 with more than 100 agents before the bubble burst.

He lost everything.

Now, once again, Hermie is a millionaire. And he is one of our trainers.

What if he could show you how to invest $1,200.00 to earn $100,000.00 in the next 90 days?*

Can you give us 30 minutes of your time to find out how?

If yes, complete the form to attend one of our info sessions.

If not, call me when you're really ready to get into a REAL recession-proof business.

Sonja Cassandra Perdue
312.884.9976  (Got questions? Give me a call.)

* Terms and conditions apply
* 90-day RAW training program led by Hermie Bacus and others.
* No experience is necessary, but you must be driven to succeed.

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Please use this this link to schedule an appointment.  https://calendly.com/wearehiringagents/information-meeting *
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