Roman Gallery Redisplay Survey
The Silchester Gallery at Reading Museum opened in 1995. This project plans to create a new Roman Gallery that tells the story of the Roman town of Calleva Atrebatum through the rich variety of finds in the Museum’s Silchester Collection. 
Refreshing the gallery will allow us to tell new stories based on the most recent archaeological research, improve how objects are displayed and enhance the visitor experience. It will also be an opportunity to include Iron Age and Roman finds from the Reading area in the new displays.
Your comments and suggestion will be invaluable to the project. Thank you for your help!
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Teacher Name *
Teacher's Email Address *
School *
Year Group *
What do you think about the current gallery? What one thing do you like about it? What one thing don’t you like about it? *
The following themes could be part of the new Roman Gallery. How interested would you be in the following: *
Excited about this
Interested in this
Not very interested in this
This sounds really boring
Not sure
Iron Age beginnings
Health and hygiene
Religion and supernatural
Home Life
Working Life
Diversity of the Roman population (people from all parts of the Roman Empire)
Archaeology techniques and discoveries
Food and drink
End of the town
Local environment and surrounding countryside
How the town changed over time
As part of our planning, we are looking at different interactives which could take place in the new Gallery.  Please tick your top three. *
As part of our planning, we are looking at different events and activities which could complement a new Roman Gallery. What interests you most? *
Excited about this
Interested in this
Not very interested in this
This sounds really boring
Not sure
Talks about the history of Romans in Reading/Silchester
Talks by archaeologists and historians
Guided walks and tours around Silchester
Gallery talks and tours
Object handling of Roman artefacts
A map/leaflet/audio that you can use to take a self-guided tour of Silchester
Creative workshops for adults inspired by the Romans
Hands-on opportunities to learn and experience Roman crafts
Community archaeology activities
Activities for families
Do you have any other comments about our plans for the new Roman Gallery?
Would you support an application to the National Heritage Lottery Heritage Fund to create a new Roman Gallery at Reading Museum?
Why do you say that?
Do you have any other comments about this project?
Thank you for your time!
We will send your class an invite to a Free Roman Britain Virtual Session on Monday 2nd October.
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