Listening Meeting Feedback
Thank you for leading a listening meeting on the Church of England's investments in fossil fuels! Please would you now complete this short form for us to get a sense of how the meeting went, how many people attended and what was discussed.
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Please give your name *
Please give your email address *
What was the date (day/month) of your listening meeting? *
Did you hold your meeting in person or online? *
Where do you (and the majority of the people who participated in the listening meeting) live? (e.g., village/town/city as well as your diocese) *
Where do you and the people who participated in the listening meeting attend church? If more than one church was represented, please list as many churches as you can recall. *
How many people participated in your listening meeting? *
On a scale of 1-10 (1 being 'poorly' and 10 being 'brilliantly'), how do you feel the meeting went? *
Could you recount some of the personal stories that were shared in your meeting? *
Did your group decide to meet again? *
Did your group decide to take any specific action on the Church of England's investments in fossil fuels, and if so, what were people interested in doing? *
Was there anything else shared in your meeting that you felt was noteworthy or important? *
Are you - or is anyone from your listening meeting - planning to run any additional listening meetings in order to involve more people in this campaign? *
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