*** Please note: this form is for organizations/groups only (not individuals). For individual sign-on, please go to:
We, the undersigned organizations, are committed to respect, dignity, justice, and human rights for all peoples, locally and globally. We oppose groups that promote and perpetuate racism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, casteism, antisemitism, and/or other forms of hate and bigotry. We are especially troubled when organizations that claim to stand for justice and for the oppressed instead engage in action that promotes injustice and persecution. For these reasons, we issue this statement to oppose, condemn, and expose the Alliance for Persecuted Peoples Worldwide (APPWW).
APPWW, a registered Washington non-profit, is a relatively new organization, having formed just this year. While APPWW claims to support all oppressed and persecuted peoples, its leaders and organization in fact advance dangerous anti-Muslim and racist rhetoric and behavior that hurt marginalized communities and spread hate. Examples of hateful statements by APPWW and its leaders, along with the platforms they have provided to anti-Muslim bigots, are described in detail in the statement here:
www.tinyurl.com/APPWWStatement, with supporting documentation provided here:
As a broad, diverse coalition of community organizations in Washington State and nationally, we want to ensure that our friends, allies, partners, leaders, funders, elected officials, and the general public know the truth about APPWW. We stand united in condemning the hateful rhetoric and behavior of APPWW and its leaders, and call on you to do so as well by completing the form here:
www.tinyurl.com/CondemnAPPWW (organizations) and
www.tinyurl.com/WeCondemnAPPWW (individuals).
Read the full statement here:
www.tinyurl.com/APPWWStatement, with supporting documentation provided here: