Everyday Thin Places - Guest Inquiry
Thank you for your interest in being a guest on Everyday Thin Places!  Please answer the questions below to the best of your ability so that Rachael & Elizabeth can determine if you and your story would be a good match for our podcast.  
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Name *
Email *
How did you hear about Everyday Thin Places?  *
Have you already listened to our introductory episode, "So what even is a thin place anyway?" *
If you have listened to other episodes, is there one or more that particularly resonated with you or interested you?
What is your profession, hobby, interest or life-circumstance that best describes your area of expertise or unique perspective?  *
Please describe in a few sentences the core of your story, experience or expertise that you think demonstrates "how we can all be more truly living people" -  *
Have you ever been on a podcast before?  *
Is there anything else that you would like for Rachael & Elizabeth to know about you?
Please click "submit" to finalize!

What happens next?

If we are currently in a recording cycle and would like to invite you to be a guest, within a week you will receive an invitation to schedule a recording session.

If we aren't currently recording but would like to record with us in the future, we will confirm our interest and reach back out when the next recording cycle begins.

If we aren't able to offer you a guest opportunity we will do our best to connect you with another platform that might be a better match!
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