MassDec '24 Regionals Roster Submission
The 2024 Regionals competitions will be held on February 3, 2024.
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Email *
Your Name *
The name of you, the person filling out this form. (Hi!)
School Name *
(e.g. Liberty High School)
Main Team Roster
Please list the names of the Honors ("A") students (3 max) on your main team. (New line per student.)
Honors GPAs
Please list the corresponding Acadec GPAs in the same order as the students you listed above. (New line per student.)
Honors Grades
Please list the corresponding grades (i.e. 9, 10, 11, 12) in the same order as the students you listed above. (New line per student.)
Please list the names of the Scholastic ("B") students (3 max) on your main team. (New line per student.)
Scholastic GPAs
Please list the corresponding Acadec GPAs in the same order as the students you listed above. (New line per student.)
Scholastic Grades
Please list the corresponding grades (i.e. 9, 10, 11, 12) in the same order as the students you listed above. (New line per student.)
Please list the names of the Varsity ("C") students (3 max) on your main team. (New line per student.)
Varsity GPAs
Please list the corresponding Acadec GPAs in the same order as the students you listed above. (New line per student.)
Varsity Grades
Please list the corresponding grades (i.e. 9, 10, 11, 12) in the same order as the students you listed above. (New line per student.)
Designated Alternates
Three other students, of any GPA division, who will also take Essay along with the main team.
Designated Alternates
Please list the names of the designated alternates (3 max) for your team. (New line per student.)
Designated Alternate GPA Brackets
Please list the corresponding GPA brackets (H, S or V) in the same order as the students you listed above. (New line per student.)
Designated Alternate GPAs
Please list the corresponding Acadec GPAs in the same order as the students you listed above. (New line per student.)
Designated Alternate Grades
Please list the corresponding grades (i.e. 9, 10, 11, 12) in the same order as the students you listed above. (New line per student.)
Other Alternates
Will you be bringing other alternates to the Regionals competition? *
Not counting the three designated alternates listed above. This will NOT require a $50 fee this year.
Other Alternates
Please list the names of the other alternates (no limit) for your team. (New line per student.) Depending on the region, these students will be using pre-slugged Scantrons, so we need everybody's name who will be attending.
Alternate GPA Brackets
Please list the corresponding GPA brackets (H, S or V) in the same order as the students you listed above. (New line per student.)
Alternate GPAs
Please list the corresponding Acadec GPAs in the same order as the students you listed above. (New line per student.)
Alternate Grades
Please list the corresponding grades (i.e. 9, 10, 11, 12) in the same order as the students you listed above. (New line per student.)
Total Number Of Alternates *
INCLUDING designated alternates. If N/A, put 0.
Final Agreements
I will email any new students' GPA worksheets AND official transcripts AND permission forms *NO LATER THAN* January 19. *
I understand that any student switching onto the main team MUST have been pre-cleared to compete by January 19. *
I will have found at LEAST 3 volunteer judges for the competition by January 19. *
(Exceptions: new teams.)
I am EXCITED for Regionals! *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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