Book Goodness Ben To Speak At Your Event.
Kindly complete the form below and I or a representative of my team will get back to you shortly.
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Name of organisation *
Full name of Contact Person *
Phone number *
Email address *
Website address
Nature of Event *
Purpose of Event *
 Event Date *
 Event Address *
What type of session would you like Goodness to take? (eg keynote speech, panel discussion, masterclass, Online training etc) Note: If online indicate your exact platform. *
How much time does she have for her session? *
Who is the target audience? (please describe them as detailed as you can) *
A number of expected Attendees( If it's an online group, how many people are in that group? ) *
Would Goodness be expected to make her presentation with slides? *
Do you have a budget for your speaker? Or a plan through which you will add value to them?  ( Note: If you are a new brand and you believe that you can't afford to pay or offer any tangible value to Coach Goodness Ben, please kindly close this page, no hard feelings. It should be symbiotic ) *
If yes, what's your budget  for Goodness Ben? *
What specific results do you want your audience to have after Goodness Ben's session? (Make this in numbered paragraph if possible) *
Would Goodness be allowed to come along with her products, such as books and DVDs? *
If yes, can you provide an assistant that will  manage the products at the event? *
Who are the other speakers at the event? *
Any other information?
Note:  If Goodness Ben is required to travel to your location, all travel expenses, accommodation and Meals will be taking care of by your organization.
Thank you for your request.

You will hear from us within 24 hours but should you not, kindly send a mail to
Thank you.
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