The Steven Schick Prize for Acts of Musical Imagination and Excellence
Goal: To raise a fund of $200,000, the income of which will be used for the annual Steven Schick Prize.
Your gift will allow us to establish a fund to support an annual $10,000 prize in Maestro Schick’s name. This Prize will be awarded to an imaginative musical project or performance that underscores the values of artistically adventurous art making, with special focus on awareness of the social, community, and bi-national dimensions of our region and on our rapport with the natural world.

If you would like to contribute, please select from the one of the three options below:

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Option 1: I/ we wish to contribute to the Steven Schick Prize Fund. My check, payable to the La Jolla Symphony and Chorus Association, will be mailed in the amount of $_______  
Option 2: I/ we wish to pledge support for the Steven Schick Prize Fund in the amount of $_______  payable to the Association over the period from _______ to _______  . (Please write your responses in the field below)
Option 3: I/we wish to be contacted via email or phone and remit our contribution in the amount of $_______  via credit card. (You will be contacted after to receive your credit card information securely)
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Phone number:
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