Families Count in Spartanburg | Feb.20–Apr. 3, 2025
We are glad to offer this seven-week session of Families Count as an option for parent-education requirements of parents in need.  Beth Drake, Families Count Coordinator, will be in touch with those submitting this registration and participants soon to confirm registration details and answer any questions.  

Families Count
Every Thursday Night for 7 consecutive weeks
Beginning on February 20, 2025

Grace Church | Spartanburg Campus
501 Willis Road
Spartanburg, SC 29301

CHILDCARE: Childcare is available on a first come, first served basis. Please register each child that will attend with the participant. 

If you have any questions, please email Beth Drake (bdrake@gracechurchsc.org).
Thank you! 
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Email *
Name/Title of person completing this form (if not caseworker)
Caseworker's Name *
Caseworker's Email *
Caseworker's Phone *
Participant Name (First, Last) *
Participant Phone *
Participant Email
Primary Language spoken by participant in their home *
Would the participant benefit from a translator during the class?  
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Participant's child(ren) is/are currently: *
Will the participant need childcare? 

If yes, please fill out the following questions with each child's information.
Child 1: Name / age / relationship to participant / allergies or special needs 
Child 2: Name / age / relationship to participant / allergies or special needs 
Child 3: Name / age / relationship to participant / allergies or special needs 
Child 4: Name / age / relationship to participant / allergies or special needs 
Child 5: Name / age / relationship to participant / allergies or special needs 
Please share a little more about this family's dynamics and situation, so that we are equipped to host them through our class.  (i.e., why children are in DSS care, parent's goals for taking a parenting class, parental relationship) *
Participant will need transportation. *
If transportation needed, what is their current address?
Any additional information that could be helpful:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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