2024 Conte Center Symposium Registration
Hello! Please fill out the form below to register for our symposium on Neuroimmune Mechanisms of Brain Development and Psychiatric Illness, hosted by the Conte Center for Neuroimmune Studies at Boston Children's Hospital and located at the auditorium of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard on Tuesday October 15, 2024. The agenda for this in-person symposium will consist of a full day of invited speakers, short talks from trainees selected from poster abstracts, and an evening poster session and reception. Please note that registration and attendance are free, and meals are included!

With this interdisciplinary symposium, we aim to bring together immunologists, neuroscientists, and others doing the most exciting work at the intersections of neuroimmunology, brain development, and mechanisms of risk for schizophrenia and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Our Conte Center, and thus this symposium, is focused on understanding how glial cells and immune pathways affect the development of neurons, synapses, circuits and behavior, and how genetic variants and environmental exposures can modify these processes. The major goal of the meeting is to share new data, approaches and perspectives with each other and with scientists and trainees at Harvard and MIT, local teaching hospitals, and the broader Boston scientific community.

If you wish to learn more about our Conte Center, please peruse through our website: https://neuroimmune-conte-harvard.org/

If you have any questions or require assistance, please reach out to our Scientific Coordinator Krishna Narayanan, PhD at narayana@broadinstitute.org
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