Volunteer Foster Application
Thank you for your interest in helping Wisconsin WildCare rehabilitate orphaned and injured wild mammals!

While we accept applications year-round, volunteer fosters are most needed during baby season, beginning as early as March and continuing as late as October (depending on the species).

Orientation training is required of ALL volunteer fosters. Upon review of your application, you'll receive an email listing upcoming training sessions. As an all-volunteer organization with limited resources, we only offer a limited number of sessions in late winter/early spring.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
I confirm that I live within 60 miles of Lodi or Windsor
Orphaned raccoon kits in foster care.
Normal working hours
Is your residence
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Orphaned grey squirrels
Do you rent or own your home?
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Are there children in the home?
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Do you have pets?
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Are you willing and able to keep wildlife in your care in a separate space, away from pets and everyday household activity?
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Why do you want to volunteer for Wisconsin WildCare?
Feeding time for an orphaned opossum joey
Experience working with animals is not necessary, but if you do have experience and/or training, please tell us about it so that we can best make use of your knowledge.
How did you hear about Wisconsin WildCare?
When will you be able to start?
Do you have any questions for us?
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