COMPAS Conference: Personal Tech
On February 15th, 9:30am - 5pm, in the Wexner Center for the Arts Film/Video Theater, CEHV will host the COMPAS Conference: The Pleasures and Perils of Personal Technology.  

How many times have we heard someone in the tech industry proclaim that their new product is “revolutionary” or “disruptive”? Radical upheaval in the ways we live and communicate is now so frequent that it doesn’t even strike us as unusual. Yet the original iPhone came out only a decade ago, in the same year that Netflix started streaming. Facebook and YouTube came into existence just a few years before that.
On the timeline of human history this all happened mere moments ago, and as technology becomes more and more rapidly integrated into our everyday lives, we would do well to take a step back and contemplate exactly what is happening. This conference is part of the 2018-19 Technology COMPAS program investigating the many ways in which our lives have been changed by our technological creations.

This is the third of four COMPAS conferences for 2018-2019 that will explore the relationships between technology and human flourishing. For a full schedule of events, please visit our event page at:

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