CKF Events/Fundraising Team Volunteer Registration
Sign up below to become a volunteer for our Events or Fundraising Program (teams are merged). Events are led by Angelina Haufler and Fundraising is led by Alani Hoffman.
Please make sure you read the description of this team ( to understand what volunteer work you will be doing for Cancer Kids First.

After you fill out this application, expect an email with instructions on how to join our Remind within 7 business days if you are accepted as a volunteer. Service hour opportunities will be posted on the Remind!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
First and last name
Personal email (check for typos) *
Age *
Location *
State or City; if out of the US, just put your Region and Country
Are you willing to put in your best efforts to be a dedicated volunteer for the CKF Events/Fundraising Team? *
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
If you have questions email
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