Ship's Company Theatre
2023 Season Membership & Donation Form

This form serves as the required written request to become an annual member of Ship’s Company Theatre Society. To be valid, this form must be submitted and payment of $25.00 must be received for confirmation of membership.

Membership entitles you to vote at the Annual General Meeting and to be nominated to serve on the Board of Directors.
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Membership and Donation (please select one or both) *
Please Note: as a Canadian charitable society, membership fees are separate from donations to the Ship's Company Society. Donation receipts cannot be provided for membership.
Your contribution is precious to us. As a non-profit, 30% of our annual budget comes from donations, memberships, and sponsorship. Without your support, bringing new Atlantic stories to the professional stage would not be possible. We are very thankful to you and for your continued support.
Donation Amount
Charitable tax receipts will be provided for all donations.
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
Would you like to be listed as a member within our 2023 season program, and on the Ship's Company website?
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If you are making a donation, how would you like your donation to be listed?
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If you'd like your donation listed in another name, please specify below:
Would you be interested in volunteering with The Ship? For example as an usher, at events, or on the Board of Directors?
How would you like to make your payment?
Note: Membership fees and donations can be included in a single payment.
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Monthly Donations
Note! It is now possible to support The Ship monthly, online, through Canada Helps! Find out more at .
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