Online Membership Application - Peninsula Bridge Club Inc
Thank you for your interest in Peninsula Bridge Club. You can apply and pay online for Peninsula Bridge Club membership to become a Provisional Member immediately and be entitled to play at Member table fee rates.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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First name *
Last name *
Email address
Mobile phone
Home phone
Street address *
Suburb *
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Month and Day of birthday but not the year
EG  March 27  or 03 / 27.   (This is used by the ABF.)
Emergency contact name *
Emergency contact mobile phone *
How did you hear about us?
Privacy preferences (check all that apply)
ABF status (choose correct option) *
Existing ABF number
Existing Home Club
Payment *
For 2024, membership costs $80 ($40 + $40 joining fee) if Peninsula is your Home Club and $70 ($30 + $40  joining fee) if another is your Home Club, if you join between July and November inclusive.  Please pay by EFT (IE direct credit) to Peninsula Bridge Club (BSB 062-205, Account No 0090 1717) with "Appl-" followed by your last name in the Details/Description field.
Name Badge (magnetic)
Would you like a magnetic or pin club name badge to wear at our sessions?
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Existing BBO user name
Existing StepBridge user name
Agreement *
I hereby apply for membership of Peninsula Bridge Club Inc and agree to be bound by its Constitution and Operating Procedures and Playing Rules. Unless I have indicated my preference otherwise in this form, I understand that my name and phone number may be distributed to other members. I will look for opportunities where I can help this non-profit club.
Club Use Only
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