If no, what is your current occupation?/if applicable/
Your answer
Where do you live now? Full address: Street, city, country *
Your answer
Are you coming as a Participant or as a Group Leader?
Clear selection
Motivation and Expectations *
What’s your motivation to participate in this project? What would you like to learn, gain, understand and experience during it?
Your answer
Health information *
Please send us all relevant information concerning your health or any special needs or requirements (allergies, intolerances, mobility, medical needs, allergies, dietary restrictions, smoker/non-smoker , etc …)
Your answer
What is your English language level: *
In how many Erasmus + projects have you participated? *
Are you coming from a disadvantaged background /family in difficulty? *
Young people with fewer opportunities are given priority to go to youth projects in Europe (confirmation / proof required).
If yes, please explain:
Your answer
Do you have Health European Card that is valid for the period of the Youth Exchange? *
Covid-19 Measures
What is your past experience with COVID-19 *
Agreement *
By submitting this application I confirm that I have read and understood the Information provided and the conditions of travel reimbursements about the project and I know and accept the conditions of participation.