Prospect Valley PTA Volunteer Interest Form
For more information about any of our volunteer opportunities and detailed descriptions of programs and events, please visit our PTA website: to search the drop down menus of PTA and fundraisers.  Your responses below will be shared with our Volunteer Coordinator who will be in touch with you regarding specific committees/events/programs. 

If any of the following volunteer opportunities interest you and you'd like to know the dates, please check out our school calendar
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Email *
Name *
Student Name(s), Teacher(s), and Grade(s)
Are you interested in being a Room Parent for the 2024-25 school year? Room Parents organize 3 classroom parties throughout the year - Halloween, Holiday, and Valentines. *
I am interested in the following volunteer opportunities in the FALL (check all that apply)
I am interested in the following volunteer opportunities  in the SPRING (check all that apply)
I am interested in helping with the following events by donating food and/or classroom supplies:

Load the Lounge: Coordinate monthly treats in the staff lounge to show our appreciation!

Classroom Wishlist: Help our teachers with items and supplies they need the most.

Staff Appreciation: Lets show our hardworking staff how much we care! From catering a meal, to helping fun their holiday party, the possibilities are endless.

Are you interested in teaching a class/volunteering as part of our after school enrichment program? Examples: Lego Club, Crochet Club, Jewelry Club, Sign Language, Origami Club, etc! If answering yes, please add your interests in 'other' below! *
I am interested in helping with the following year round opportunities (check all that apply):
Are you interested in volunteering in the school library? *
I am interested in learning more about open opportunities on the Board of Directors:
Do you have a special skill set you would like to share with us (graphic design, DJ, event coordination, etc.) Please tell us about it! Your in-kind donation of your skills would be invaluable!
Do you have any other questions or ideas for us? Let us know!
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