Franco-German Christmas Talks, Sunday 15th December at 13:00 in Co:hub66: in Saarbrücken

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Address of Co:hub66:

Sophie Robert-Hayek, Digital Humanities, Université de Lorraine, Metz
Yaxu Xie, DFKI, Kaiserslautern

13:00 – 13:15  Welcome
13:15 – 14:00  Sophie´s talk: How can AI help theologists analyse texts? (in English)
14:00 – 14:15  Coffee Break
14:15 – 15:00  Yaxu´s talk: How can AI understand our 3D real world? (in English)
15:00 – 15:30  Glühwein Break with Christmas cakes.

from 15:45: Get together at the Christmas Market in Saarbrücken for participants who can stay a bit longer.

AEGEE-Kaiserslautern-Saarbrücken e.V., 7onMove gUG

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Do you want to participate to the lunch which will take place at 11:30 in Saarbrücken before the Christmas Talks? ( aperitif offered by AEGEE-KLSB ;-) )
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Are you going to the event from France (Forbach, Metz ...)? Le fonds-citoyen franco-allemand vous rembourse les frais de transport en TER. Attendez SVP avant de réserver le train. Nous vous recontacterons d´ici samedi 14 à ce sujet! *
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