Application for adding tokens to cryptocurrency exchange Bananex
If you are the owner, developer or officially representat of coin, you can intoduce your coin to Bananex Exchange.
In case of adding a coin:
The coin's developer is obliged to report all technical issues in terms of coin, node, block explorer, and all the forks beforehand.

Developers are responsible for all the losses caused by technical problems related to the node or forks. Also, in case of failure to comply with the rules, the exchange administration has the right to remove the coin from the platform.
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E-mail *
Name Coin *
Short name of the coin *
Website *
Github source *
Block Explorer *
A type *
Contract address (For ethereum tokens)
Price at time of filling in BTC *
Trading pairs /Торговые пары *
Messenger for communication and manager's nickname  (link) who deals with your integration *
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