Webinar: Be a Smart Healthy Traveler (成為精明健康旅人) - 3 Nov 2020 (Tue)
Thank you for your interest in the Webinar on Be a Smart Healthy Traveler, hosted by FHKPUAA Young Alumni Sub-committee:

Date:           3 Nov 2020 (Tue)
Time:          9pm – 10pm
Platform:    Zoom

*The Zoom meeting link will be sent to successful members closer to the event date.

The number of participants is limited to 100.
Prior registration is required. Applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis.
Deadline of Registration: 26 Oct 2020 (Mon).

For enquiry, please contact the Federation Office at fhkpuaa@polyu.edu.hk

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Surname *
Given Name(s) *
Email Address (The invitation link to the Zoom platform will be sent to this email.) *
FHKPUAA Card Number [10 digits (for FHKPUAA Cardholders applied after 2016)/ 12 digits (for Cardholders applied before 2016)]
Please provide your Student ID if you cannot fill in your FHKPUAA Card Number
If you cannot show your FKHPUAA Card Number and Student ID, please tell us your Latest Faculty/ School/ Department of graduation
Latest Year of Graduation *
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