trungle.working@gmail.comThe 8th BOLT/Da Lat Language Teaching Conference
Conference Name:  8th  BOLT/Da Lat Language Education Conference
Theme:  Teaching English Language in Context
Dates Conference:  August 8-9, 2019 (Thursday-Friday)
Location:  Da Lat, Vietnam
Volunteer Presenters-- Pay transportation and lodging fees only (Select from hotels near site)
Call for papers deadline:  March 30, 2019
Notification of Official Confirmation as a Presenter:  April 30, 2019
Registration Fee:  40 USD(App. 4,500 JPY)  --Deadline for Payment May 30, 2019
*Registration Fee covers Membership fee to BOLT to help support Web Site Maintenance and assist in conference expenses*
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Passport Expiration Date
Name of Guardian to contact (in case of emergency) / Relationship (If someone delegated--i.e. wife/husband)
Guardian Address (I'm contact name entered)
Presentation Title
Presentation Abstract (250 Words)
Presentation Summary (approx. 1000 words)
Bio-data for Presenter (approx. 150 words)  
Copy of Passport scann sent to with expiration date within 3 months of entry (Will send if selected)
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