Partnership Form: Anchor Church
Thanks for considering partnership with Anchor Church! We view this process as a way of clarifying what it means to be a partner and giving our partners a way to evaluate their partnership on an annual basis. We encourage everyone in your home over the age of 16 to share with us your story of belief in Jesus and whether you've been baptized. You can complete separate forms for each person or include everyone's story on the same form. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our leadership for any questions or information: We want Anchor to be a church family that helps people find hope in Jesus, but that can't happen without your partnership in spreading His Good News!
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Contact Information
Name *
Spouse (if applicable)
Names of Children (if applicable)
Best email address to contact *
Best cell phone number to contact *
Home address *
Affirmation of Belief in Jesus
Whether you're new to our church, or been a part of our family for a long time, we'd love to hear your story!
I affirm the following points:
Tell us your story about how you became a follower of Jesus: *
Was there a point in time where you received Jesus as your Savior or was it a process over time?
Tell us when you were baptized and what baptism means to you: *
If you'd like to be baptized, simply mention that and Pastor Kris will follow up with you.
Have you been a member of another church within the last 12 months?
There's no need to respond if the answer is "no". If the answer is "yes", and you are transferring your membership from another church, please list an explanation for leaving and a reference to one of the pastors or leaders who may know you well. There are cases, where this isn't applicable or available. We understand and simply want to make sure that a move from one church to another church is healthy for all parties involved.
Partnership at Anchor
Anchor Church exists to "help people find hope in Jesus" (Hebrews 6:19). Our core values are "anchored in the Good News of Jesus, anchored in community with one another as God's Family, and anchored in Hampton Roads for God's global mission." As part of the Anchor family, we believe that the best way for you to gauge your partnership with us are through "Living, Giving, Serving, & Growing."
We are joined together by God our Father and live as a family of brothers and sisters in Christ. In the church, we're learning a new way of living and relating to God and others. (Ephesians 2:11-22)
I am partnering to live as a family member of Anchor Church by: (click all that apply) *
Community Group involvement is the best way to get connected and to get the care that our church provides. *
Please help us by answering these questions or leaving a comment in the "other" section. We want to hear form you.
We see regular, cheerful, and sacrificial giving as an act of worship to God in response to his own generosity toward us. We do not overemphasize money or giving above other ways to worship God, but we do encourage it as a part of our Sunday worship gatherings and as part of our partnership in Gospel ministry. (2 Corinthians 8)
To the best of my ability, I can commit to giving $______.___ this year (in MONTHLY terms). We ask for this information largely for annual planning and stewardship purposes, but we also include this section as a discipleship tool to teach our people about our financial responsibility to contribute to the needs of the church family and as a way of awakening generosity in the hearts of our people.
We do not require a certain amount or percentage of your income, however, we encourage you to start with a percentage of your income and prayerfully considering how you can increase that amount from year to year or as God blesses you with more. Also, we recognize that the local church is not the only place where many of us make financial contributions. We support and encourage generosity as a principle and simply ask that you consider giving to your Anchor Church family as a primary consideration.
I'm having a hard time making a financial commitment:
This will not keep you from Partnership at Anchor Church and serves ONLY as a way to care for you and support you in prayer and/or resources.
We are primarily servants of God, even when serving others! This of course means that in everything (and to everyone) we are serving as though we were serving God directly ("as unto the Lord"). The example and motivation for serving this way comes from the Good News about Jesus! So, in this section we're not looking simply to fill serving slots, but hoping this is the start of a commitment to a lifestyle of service patterned after the one who has served us so well.  (Mark 10:42-45)
I will serve as a partner in spreading the Gospel at Anchor Church by: (click all that apply) *
I am currently serving on this ministry team (or teams):
I would like to be contacted for more info on needs and how I can serve:
I would like to discover more about my personality and spiritual gifts so that I can better serve God and others.
We are disciples of Jesus, learning to pattern our lives after His. We learn from his assurance of the Father's Love, His Obedience to God's Will, and his Dependence upon the Holy Spirit. He has commanded us to "Go" and teach others the same things we have been taught. This means that we are seeking to do more than simply make converts to Christianity; we are seeking to become mature disciples of Christ, so that we can partner with each other to make disciples who can also grow to make disciples. (Matthew 28:18-20)
I want to grow as a follower of Jesus at Anchor Church by: (click all that apply) *
I have an area of growth in my life that I'd like to talk with one of the pastors about:
We are sent by God as his agents to accomplish his mission. Another outcome of being united with Christ is that we are now missionaries just as he was a missionary.  Passages like John 1, Philippians 2, and Colossians 1 tell us that God the Son became flesh and worked, ate and interacted among the people; living in such a way that those around him could see and experience what God was truly like. Jesus came so that all people, places and things could be restored to a right relationship with God. In the same way, we believe we are missionaries sent into our culture to restore all things to God through Jesus. Practically what this means is we are called to live as ambassadors, representing Christ in the world.  We are sent ones who are committed to the task of both living and proclaiming the Gospel to the world, praying that God would open a door for the proclamation of the Gospel to those with whom our ordinary lives intersect. (1 Cor 5:9-10; 1 For 9:19-23; 2 Cor 5:17-20; Colossians 4:2-6)

I am partnering with Anchor as a missionary to "go" by: (click all that apply) *
I would like to learn more about: (click any that apply)
We want our church to grow and to be healthy, so we'd like to hear from you!
I affirm one of the following points:
Reading through this partnership form, I  understand what our church expects from each other as partners in Gospel ministry. *
Please pick one of the three options and only use the option marked, "Other:" for any explanations or comments you have.
I feel cared for and relationally connected to the church community: *
If you answered "Kind of," or "Not at all," to the above, would you please explain so that we can learn how to care for you and help you get connected?
Our leaders and partners are doing a great job at/of _______________:
What kinds of things should we keep doing as a church? Is there anything that makes you want to invite guests to our church gatherings or groups? Tell us a positive story or testimonial!
I think that our church and leadership could do a better job at/of _____________:
What can be added or improved? Are there any elements of our church groups or gatherings that make you hesitant to invite someone to our church? What should we stop doing? Any helpful ideas and constructive feedback are welcome!
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