Equity Diversity and Inclusion in the ISA: Member Survey
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey! The ISA Task Force on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is collecting this information to be able to inform new practices and policies to support equity, diversity and inclusion in all ISA activities. Your participation is completely voluntary, and you may choose not to answer any of the questions, or quit the survey at any time. The data will only be accessible by members of the EDI Task Force, and will only be presented to the ISA membership in summary form, in written reports and oral presentations. The data will not be used for research purposes beyond policy and planning within the ISA (e.g. presented in peer reviewed publications). No personal information is being gathered that would enable us to identify individual participants, and the data will be destroyed as soon as it has been analyzed, which may take 6 months to one year after the data has been collected. By proceeding with the survey, you are indicating your consent to participate.
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What is your country of residence?
With which gender do you identify?
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What is your occupational status?
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In what language do you conduct the majority of your work?
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How old are you

Do you identify as a member of a minority, marginalized or under-represented group (for example, race, ethnicity, religion) in your country?

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If you answered Yes to the out question, please indicate the group(s) with which you identify:

Do you identify as a member of a minority, marginalized or under-represented group in the ISA?

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If you answered yes to the previous question, please indicate the group(s) with which you identify:

How many RC/WG/TGs do you belong to?

Are you satisfied that the leadership of the RC/WG/TG(s) you belong to prioritize creating an inclusive environment where you feel a sense of belonging? Please select from the following:

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To what degree do you feel a sense of belonging within the primary RC, TG, or WG you are a member of? (5 point scale)

Not at all
Very much so
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Which of the following factors, if any, contribute to a sense of belonging within the primary RC, TG, or WG you are a member of? Select all that apply:
Which of the following factors, if any, undermine your sense of belonging within the primary RC, TG, or WG you are a member of?

Did you participate in the election(s) of the board members of the RC/WG/TG(s) you belong to in the last election? Please select from the following:

To what degree do you feel the procedures for selection of board members in the RC/WG/TG(s) you belong to are fair? 
Not fair at all
Very fair
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To what degree do you feel a sense of belonging within the ISA? 
Not at all
Very much so
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Which of the following factors, if any, contribute to your sense of belonging within the ISA?
Which of the following factors, if any, undermine your sense of belonging within the ISA?

Which conference format do you prefer? Please select one answer:

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Which format do you feel enables the greatest degree of engagement with peers? 
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Have you ever been prevented from attending an ISA conference due to parenting responsibilities?

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How important would the provision of child care services during ISA conferences be to enhance your ability to attend?
Not at all
Very important
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Have you ever been prevented from attending an ISA conference due to lack of financial resources?

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Have you ever been prevented from attending an ISA conference due to the inability to obtain a visa?

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Have you ever felt that your academic freedom to participate in ISA meetings and conferences has been constrained as a result of your nationality, place of residence, ethnicity, or any other reason?

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If you answered yes to the previous question, please explain:

Has the lack of physical accessibility (for example, wheelchair access) ever limited your participation in ISA conference attendance?

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If you answered es in the previous question, please provide details:

Have you had any uncomfortable or negative experiences within ISA activities that you would attribute to your race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or other aspect of your personal identity?

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If you answered Yes to the previous question, can you tell us more about the incident(s)?

Do you have any ideas for new strategies and activities we can institute in the ISA to support equity, diversity and inclusion? 

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