ORIE 4741 Project Proposal Peer Review
Grade the project proposal assigned to you on the following four metrics.
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What proposal are you are reviewing? (state the filename) *
What is your NetID? *
Copy the comments you made on the project team's Github repo and paste them here. *
Is the proposal well-written and complete? *
Omits much necessary information, riddled with typos.
Beautifully written, complies with all guidelines.
Does the proposal make sense in the context of the course? *
No, it has nothing to do with big messy data.
Yes, it's exactly the kind of question that a good analysis of big messy data will be able to answer.
Do you think the project sounds feasible by the end of the semester? *
Absolutely impossible.
Sure, if they work hard.
How exciting is the project? *
Massively boring
Extremely cool idea
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