Link to portfolio, LinkedIn profile or collection of work. *
Your answer
What is your current employment status? *
Employed full time with a news organization
Employed part time with a news organization
Employed on a short term contract basis with a news organization
Freelancer who works primarily in the news/journalism industry
Currently unemployed or furloughed
Student journalist
What mental health services and benefits do your current employer and/or health insurance provider offer? How much have you taken advantage of these services and benefits? *
Your answer
How much financial assistance are you seeking? (The maximum is $1500) *
Your answer
What is the minimum amount you need? *
Your answer
Do you currently have a therapy provider? *
If you answered yes to the question above, how much do you have to pay out of pocket for each visit?
Your answer
Are you Asian, Asian American and/or Pacific Islander? *
Anything else we should know? Please include any relevant information about your situation that you feel comfortable sharing.
Your answer
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This form was created inside of Asian American Journalist Association.