CL PTSA Membership Form
You are invited to join the Cedar Lane PTSA for 2023/2024. Memberships are annual. Your membership fees & donations are the major source of the PTSA's budget and are used to support school activities/events in addition to the events associated with the Positive Behavior Intervention Support Program (PBIS).

*MEMBERSHIP DUES CAN BE SUBMITTED BY PayPal at (PayPal account: CedarLanePTSA) or Venmo @Cedar-Lane-1 or you may send a check to the school made out to Cedar Lane PTSA.  

Questions? Email Ms. Min@ or call 703-208-2420. Thanks for your support!!
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Last Name of 1st Member
First Name
Email address
Membership Type - DUES CAN BE SUBMITTED BY PayPal at (PayPal account: CedarLanePTSA) or Venmo @Cedar-Lane-1 or you may send a check to the school made out to Cedar Lane PTSA.  
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Last Name of Second Member
First Name
Email address
Membership Type - DUES CAN BE SUBMITTED BY PayPal at (PayPal account: CedarLanePTSA) or Venmo @Cedar-Lane-1 or you may send a check to the school made out to Cedar Lane PTSA.  
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