Climate, Environment, & Health II

Several Belmont CEH2 partners have posted Annexes offering in kind support for researchers developing consortia in response to the CEH 2 CRA.  This includes assistance networking across disciplines and countries to develop consortia and proposals for CEH2 funding, as well as technical expertise and access to data and information on specified research topics.  This questionnaire is intended to provide researchers an opportunity to express their interests and needs for accessing these kinds of in-kind support, and to help U.S. government agencies and other partners offering in-kind support to identify how they can support the needs of potential CEH 2 researchers and consortia.

*Emails for introductions are not guaranteed and are used to explore potential opportunities / partnerships. 

Primary contact will be used for communication, please enter the email below. Secondary contact point is suggested, but not required.  The information we collect is only for communicating with CEH2-interested researchers to provide the latest and most updated information for future activities.  
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Email *
1a. Honorifics
1b. Surname (Last) of primary contact *
1c. Forename (First) of primary contact *
1d. Current Institution of primary contact (do not abbreviate) *
1e. Current country of primary contact *
2a. Honorifics (secondary contact)
2b. Surname (Last) of secondary contact
2c. Forename (First) of secondary contact
2d. Secondary contact email (e.g. co-principal investigator)
2f. Current Institution of secondary contact (do not abbreviate)
2g. Current country of primary contact
3a. Do you need help networking with other disciplines /sectors?  *
3b. Do you need help networking with other countries? (If applicable, select the country in 3d.) *
Please select the country below & briefly explain the ask.
3c. Being as concise as possible, please describe your project and what organization/person you would like to connect with. 
If no description or country is provided, it will be difficult to provide the right introduction. 
3d. Would you like you access to Subject Matter Expertise (SME)/help?  (see  *
3e. Does your project generally fall into one of these categories? (Requests are not country specific, but request specific. Our partners will try to assist.) Please check all that may apply.
3f. Would your project require access to use databases/meteorological/satellite tools? *
4a. Would you like directed email from the Belmont Forum for future networking events? (Primary contact email will be used) *
4b. To best serve your time zone... would you like to have office hours with Belmont Forum Secretariat members? 
Questions on BFgo submissions or a quick application check. 
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4c. To best serve your time zone... A CEH2 Annex workshop is forthcoming to provide a Q&A with the annex point of contacts at an info session. Which agencies are you currently thinking of requesting monetary funds from? (select all that may apply)
4d. Any additional queries related to CEH2?
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