Getaway Choir - your ticket to the perfect night  <3 
UPDATE: We are SOLD OUT of advance tickets! If you show up we'll try to squeeze in as many people as possible, but we recommend arriving at 7:15. If you have a ticket you'll get to join the special line and enter first! But after that line is admitted, we'll start letting in walk-ups on a first-come, first-serve basis. In other words, we'll give priority to ticket holders, but a ticket does not guarantee late entry after the 7:30 start time. 

If you want to learn more about the choir and future events, please still sign up here! 


Calling all dreamers, anti-heroes, and tortured poets... get your FREE ticket to our group singalong! We promise it'll be easier than the ticketmaster queue ;) this is our playlist for the party, start brushing up on the lyrics (but we'll have lyrics for you there too)!  

Even if you can't make it, check the box below to stay in the know with updates! We hope to keep the group going after the event, even if it's just meeting up and singing together for fun. 

WHAT: Taylor singalong hosted by the Getaway Choir 
WHERE: Studio 34, 4522 Baltimore Ave 
WHEN: January 11, 7:30pm
WHO: YOU <3 and any other Swifties who want to join in for a raucous singalong. No haters ;) 
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