UConn, Language for All Executive Board 2021-2022 Interest Form
Hi! This is a google form polling interest in executive board positions for Language for All for this upcoming year. Please fill out this google form if you are interested for this upcoming year's team.

We have goals of having another successful Acapella concert to raise money, continued outreach to surrounding towns, etc. We are happy to have more ideas about increasing inclusivity and spreading awareness of different languages, communication methods, and more!

Vice President
Public Relations


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Email *
What is your name? *
What is your major/year standing for the upcoming school year? (soph, jr, senior) *
What are your preferred pronouns? *
What position are you interested in & why? List as many as you are interested in! *
What is an initiative/event you would like to see Language for All do next year?
Would you still be interested in another position even if you were not able to be your desired role? *
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