Summative 4B ENTREP 9
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11. It is important to look after our customers wisely so that they continue to trust us and want to continue a relationship with us.
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12. It is so much more than a logo.
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13. They are everything to your bottom line.
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14. They are performing in their genius, and feels appreciated, will reward you by performing their best.
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15. This fundamental is where most businesses get stuck when they’re in rapid growth mode and trying to scale.
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16. It is a business fundamental wherein you consider your bookkeeping systems, sales, and cash flow systems.
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17. It is an option if you’re determined to achieve business growth.
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18. Good calendar management, task and project management, and great health habits should be possessed by you.
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19. Your overall promotion/sales plan, your overall marketing plan, and your social media marketing plan should be considered.
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_20. This fundamental is all about defining your WHY, your WHAT, your WHO, your WHEN, and your HOW.  
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