DGov Score Framework Questionnaire v0.5.1
Questionnaire for the DGov Score Framework v0.5 Intra-firm Modules.


Joining Rate is the rate at which Newcomers join the Organization on a yearly basis (i.e., Newcomers per year)

Organization is the specific organization of interest you are referring to as you answer the questions in the Questionnaire.

Member is an individual or organization that is a member (e.g., employee, corporate officer, etc.) of the Organization.

Manager is an individual or organization that is a member of the Organization, usually involved in system-level decision-making, and has one or more subordinates.

Newcomer is an individual or organization that recently joined the Organization.


If you think any of the questions are duplicitous, do not make sense, or are unnecessary, please respond with "MNS" in your response to the question.

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